
Hair and grooming tips, tricks, fashion trends and barber stories.

CG Barbershop Invites Gents to Invest in Themselves for Valentine’s Day

This Valentine’s Day, CG Barbershop is eschewing tradition. Instead of focusing on just their partners, CG is encouraging gents to turn their attention inwards – a move the barbershop hopes…

The Confident Gentleman: Unveiling the Power of Holistic Self-Care for Men

Gentlemen, raise your razors – it’s time to redefine masculinity. Over the years, we have been led to believe that confidence is a rugged beast tamed only by grueling workout…

Beyond the Razor’s Edge: How Grooming Sharpens Confidence for the Entrepreneurial Journey

Trading the fluorescent glow of a cubicle for the boundless possibilities of entrepreneurship is exhilarating. But with freedom comes a new kind of pressure – the pressure to ooze self-belief…

From Scruffy to Stud – The Confidence Potion at CG Barbershop

Remember that feeling of stepping out of a barbershop with a haircut so fresh it practically shines? You know how there’s a pep in your step, the world just seems…

The Sanctuary of Great Haircuts – Finding Home at CG Barbershop

There’s something undeniably comforting about a good barbershop. It’s more than just a place to get a trim; it’s a sanctuary, a portal to a time when the art of…

Grooming Trends | A Look at The Latest Hairstyle Trends Of 2023/2024

As the world of grooming continues to evolve, men who want to make a statement with their hairstyles must stay updated in order to keep up with the latest trends.…

Celebrity Hair Inspirations for Men

When it comes to the latest hairstyles for men, celebrities are usually the trendsetters that introduce some cuts that everyone takes inspiration from. There are some hairstyles that go viral,…

How to Look Your Best This Festive Season

The holiday season is more than just festivities and big crowds, it’s also an opportunity to showcase your best self. Amidst all the upcoming holiday celebrations and gatherings, almost everyone…

Grooming Tips for Busy Men | How to Look Good and Style Your Hair on a Tight Schedule

Presenting our best selves to the world with the help of an extensive hair grooming routine may prove to be quite difficult with the reality of our busy schedules. If…

How to Fix Fungal Nails

Fungal nail infections, medically known as onychomycosis, are a widespread concern that affects millions worldwide, primarily targeting toenails. These infections are caused by the dermatophyte Fungal, not only lead to…